Prescription Treatments For Head Lice And Scabies: Their Usage And Precautions

Posted on: 20 April 2015
Pediculosis and scabies are two common medical conditions, and both are caused by parasitic organisms. The head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis), a tiny wingless insect, is responsible for pediculosis, better known as head lice; the even smaller itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei), is the culprit in the case of the skin disease scabies. While significant medical complications from each condition are rare, both conditions cause annoying itching and are a source for embarrassment.
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Why Should You See A Dermatologist? More Than Just Moles.

Posted on: 25 November 2014
Have you ever wondered if you need to see a dermatologist? Most people automatically think about seeing this type of doctor if they have a questionable mole, or one that needs removal, but did you know that there are many reasons to see a dermatologist? Here are just a few. Mole assessment or removal-While this may seem like the most common reason to see a dermatologist, it may also be one of the most important.
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